First place: Cisco Global and ANZ Partner Innovation Challenges, 2020
Outcomex was awarded first place at the Cisco Global 2020 Partner Innovation Challenge, after coming first in the Cisco ANZ 2020 Partner Innovation Challenge.
Outcomex first competed in the ANZ arena, winning $50,000 USD for first-place. After this win, Outcomex was invited to compete in the global arena with each regional theatre’s winner and runner up, comprising 12 finalists from around the world. This resulted in another first-place win for Outcomex, taking home a $200,000 USD prize for a total win of $250,000 USD.
This award recognises Outcomex’s innovation around the Farmdeck IoT end-to-end farm management solution, providing a customisable and affordable solution to help the agriculture industry work smarter and more efficiently. Farmdeck, an end-to-end farm management solution, includes sensors, network connectivity, data storage, and our data analytics platform. Through the utilisation of Cisco APIs and industrial hardware, Farmdeck offers real-time visibility and analytics allowing the user to easily monitor their environment, make informed business decisions, and automate certain tasks. Learn more about Farmdeck.
This $200,000 USD award will accelerate innovation of the Farmdeck solution. Within the next 18 months, Outcomex will develop new features, improve existing features, and integrate AI capabilities to advance the Farmdeck solution.
Outcomex’s Farmdeck platform: first-place winner of the Cisco 2020 Global Partner Innovation Challenge and Cisco 2020 ANZ Partner Innovation Challenge
Three years ago, Cisco launched the first Partner Innovation Challenge with the goal of discovering new solutions based on Cisco technologies. This challenge has grown and evolved, with a record number of submissions this year from across the Cisco global partner community. With incredible partner diversity across regions, company size and thinking, winning first place is a testimonial to Outcomex’s innovation, talent, and capability.
See more Outcomex awards.